If you’ve ever been to the movies, you’ve seen the high-wattage Hollywood smiles made possible by veneers. There’s no better way to overhaul your teeth than with dental veneers. They allow you to cover many flaws quickly and completely without waiting for braces and teeth whitening systems to do their jobs. But before you write veneers off as an act of vanity meant only for those seeking aesthetic enhancements, take a look at the non-cosmetic benefits they offer.

Dr. George Saliba at Gems Dental in Houston recommends veneers for his patients seeking both beauty and good oral health. Our office is equipped with all the latest technology and a friendly team of highly trained professionals. Whether you’re having a dental emergency, just need a cleaning and check-up, or have questions about amping up your image, we can help. When it comes to veneers, we love their double-duty advantages. Here are three common dental problems that veneers can fix.


Gapped teeth are a primary reason people seek cosmetic dentistry. While a “spacy” look might be a signature for some, most people prefer straight teeth that fit close together. And they’re right. Not only does that snug fit look nice, but it’s also healthier than a mouth full of gaps.

Spaces between teeth are breeding grounds for bacteria. The more surface area on which bacteria can grow, the more chances you have of building up plaque and tartar that cause tooth decay.

Gaps also leave room for neighboring teeth to shift around, giving you not only crooked teeth, but a bad bite as well. That can lead to jaw pain and damaged teeth.

By closing those gaps with veneers, you save your teeth from the perils of periodontitis and an ongoing struggle with shifting teeth and a misaligned bite.


A broken or severely cracked tooth is an obvious case for veneers. However, you may have tiny cracks that are not very noticeable, so you don’t think they’re a big deal. But think again. Those little hairline cracks are open doors to the inside of your teeth. Microscopic bacteria love to seep into those areas and wreak havoc from the inside out.

Veneers put a protective covering on top of your teeth to keep out germs and save your teeth from developing cavities and infections.

Weak enamel

Enamel, the outer layer of your teeth, is the hard, smooth surface that gives teeth their white gleam and protective armor. If your enamel becomes weak or damaged, that’s it — it doesn’t regenerate.

Some people are born with genetically weak enamel. Others damage it slowly over the years with vigorous brushing or too many acidic foods and beverages.

Once it’s gone, it’s gone, and just as cracks allow bacteria into your teeth, so does damaged or weak enamel. With a compromised barrier, you’re at greater risk for tooth decay.

Veneers bond to the surface of your teeth, essentially replacing what can’t be regrown naturally. Porcelain veneers last for years and can keep your teeth protected as well as or better than your own enamel.

If you’re thinking about veneers for cosmetic reasons, you’re making a great choice for your oral health as well. When you’re ready to get started, contact us at Gems Dental by calling or requesting an appointment online.

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